Enterprise crew about Enterprise :) aka. story of my EP Club logo ...

To Kirk: Captain, the unknown ship has Z80 warp engine and clocked (cloaked ...) on 4MHz according to our sensors ...

... still, it's approaching on warp speed of 6MHz and accelerating further ...

... and capable of using 4Mbytes memory address space!

Spock: Captain, it's not logical to ignore its possible other, hidden capabilities.

Dr.McCoy: Damn it, Spock, 64K should be enough for everyone! They've gone already too far.

Scotty: I can't change the laws of physics, VRAM access timing is already complex enough.

Uhura: Captain, I'm receiving a weak signal in a BASIC dialect I can't fully recognize. I would name it as IS-BASIC.

Hmmm, EnterMice is not a speech recognition device ...

So, we must get this technology, right?

We're in the past now, in 1986 (hint: "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home") ... Go, and buy some Enterprise-128 computer somewhere ...

Remember, we must find a whale ... errr ... Ep128 to save the future!

Chekov: Captain, we've found the ship! ...

... and captain, it's also Enterprise ...

(that red thing wants to be an arrow, drawn by me)

Meanwhile, in Captain's log ...

Several years later ...

To Picard: Captain, the new holodeck program is not EXOS compatible.

Picard: Again, no picture on our big screen! ... I've already told you several times, to check that 12V needed by the video circuit ...

To Picard and Riker: In Hungary, SZJA'88 will be the best selling software ...

Data: Geordi, I'm afraid my positron-network is not compatible with Enterprise (128, not 1701) because I/O ports would collide with the EXDOS card.

Geordi: Relax Data, we use SD-card cartridge in this test on your brain, which does not use I/O port technique at all.

Prof. Stephen Hawking: you - must - dev-e-lop - this - tech-no-lo-gy - fur-ther - to - re-veal - the - true - na-ture - of - The - U-ni-verse ...

... and - to - bold-ly - go - where - no - eight - bit - sys-tem - has - gone - be-fore.

... no - not - the - black - ho-les - ...... - this - time ...

(Comment: he was really Prof. Hawking once, in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" series!!)

The Borg: We are the Amstrad. We will add your ideas to our own CPC design. Your keyboard colours will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

(even resistance of 5 GigaOhm is futile, btw ...)

Species #8472 (according to their Borg classification): Your Enteprise-128 users endanger our biological integrity. We will sterilize your Galaxy!

Places, ages, people, aliens, stories, ships, computers are jumbled together hopelessly ... Our whole universe is in great danger! Someone should do something ...

In the future, past, present, or whatever ...

"The Future Guy": No more questions! Temporal Cold War exists in all seconds of The Time, what you can't even understand or imagine. If you can't organize the Club in 2016 with a decent enough logo, all of us will be doomed in a possible future relative to you. Spaceship Enterprise must be erased from the existence. That's all, you must know. Do not dare to disturb me again with useless questions!

And because all of these, the Club is here with the "fantastic" logo (as commanded by the 'future guy'):

So then, the future has been saved and integrity of the time line has been restored, too.

However ...

All The Doctors from Doctor Who: I am The Doctor, and being a Time Lord, I can only say: these EP fans should really not mess the time up!

And so once again, the day is saved thanks to ... The Powerpuff Girls ... errr ... Hmmm.

Is this the end?

Jack O'Neill from Stargate: "Star Trek, blah ... You should see the video below, instead!"

T - H - E        E - N - D